Sunday, November 18, 2012

We aren't at church yet. my sister got dance pictures. her birthday was yesterday. she got more birthday money than I have ever gotten! :(

Friday, November 16, 2012


1. what year did the pilgrims come to America? a.1620 b.1672 c.1600
2.what is Nessie?  a. monster b. a stupid word c.lake
3.what does" Loch" mean?

I Love Turkey!!!!

We got out of school today with bummed kids and happy kids. I was one of the happy kids, and my sister was a bummed one. I'm really excited for Thanksgiving. I have no idea why. I guess all the learning
 tires me out. In 3rd grade was so scared I almost peed my pants(it was at home, not school). I am just excited so do not ask me any questions about it. oh yeah...........

I Love Turkey!
come back in a few minutes for a science and history quiz!!!!!!!!  :)

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


 goblins running down the street. they will get much to eat. it's the night for trick or treat! It's Halloween.      


school is getting better

School is getting way better. I'm getting way better at math division and everything. I sorta like school now.

Sunday, August 26, 2012


today is the last day of summer. I'm also sad about gravity falls.  :(  I't  is a summer show that comes on only summer. the good things about this summer is that I made a choir that travel and I watched the best gravity falls ever made! That gravity falls is sad, funny and very weird. I LIKE IT! ( Don't tell any one this secret but I personally have a crush on someone in gravity falls!)         :)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

boring to fun

this is the last FULL month of summer and we couldn't go to the water park because tyler was sick and we have to wait an extra week even though shes better. The good thing is we got extra time to watch the best show in the world!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   
 If you ask what it is its Gravity Falls!!!!!!!!!!!! Its about  twins a boy and girl. the boys name Dipper and his twins name is Mabel. (don't forget their uncle Stan ,Soos and Wendy who is Dippers crush) Gravity Falls has many weird secrets and Dipper and Mabel get sent there for the summer. the  first thing they found out was that there were gnomes living in the forest that tried to kidnap Mabel so she could be their queen. the second thing was a giant lake monster. then it was cursed wax figures who could come alive then it was a evil little kid who tried to attack Dipper named Lil Gideon then it was ghosts and lots of other things if you want to watch them go to disney channel any day to watch them.( new ones come out every friday!) 

Thursday, July 12, 2012

yesterday my dad took our dog in his arms and started spining around with bear and then he set bear o the ground and bear fell over and my dad also took bear's toy monkey and made it like the monkey was saying that bear was stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2012

we went to Arkansas! It was great especially since my cousin's were there too! We went on hikes, bike rides, swimming, and paddle boarding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 6, 2012

cute and cuddly

Bear is a good dog. Not only did he take a dump on my dad's phone he's so cute and cuddly!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

time to be a Staar!


we're taking the staar test today and tomorrow. I'll give you some info about the staar test.

1. never get up without asking
2. do not talk
3. no cheating

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


today were trying spam. do you know a can of spam is opened every four seconds? ( 1,2,3,4. Hee! Hee! Hee!

Saturday, March 31, 2012

when I'm done with college and get married to a return missionary in the temple and have a baby girl her name will be SkotLine (pronounced scottlin), Skotlinn or SkotLinn. Which one do you like ?I'm not sure with the spelling.

Friday, March 30, 2012

I'm not going to school today. Were going to a funeral. Before we moved here we lived in Eastland. we had this neighbor and she was really old. Then we moved here to Wylie. On Wednsday my mom found out so now were here having to drive 3 hours to Eastland.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My friends are at our house right now watching Tangled. There is also a weird house inspector inspecting our house. Were reading the Book of Mormon in English and spanish. Rode bikes to school today. It was very fun.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

we just got home. Yesterday I planted some corn and water melon. I just ate fruit snacks and now apples! (and don't forget frosted mini spooners!) I've barely done any home work but I'm on the computer. Do you want to see bear? well here are some videos of him.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

My cousin just sent me a letter and some shrinky dinks. She says she wishes that the note she sent me got to my house sooner. Me and her are are best friends even though we live far away. I've never been to her house though. I really want to go to her house.

Friday, March 23, 2012

I have some pictures from the father daughter dance!

who are you test

#1: your dream job is:

a. fashion designer.
b. dolphin trainer.
c. professional softball player.
I'm getting ready to go to the father daughter dance. I'll send a pictures of myself.
were selling lemonade today get yours now!
If your wondering why I'm home from school is that I have doctors appointment today. Today at school I was supposed to have a fun time at school but I have to go to the doctor.
If you want to follow me go to this blog and then go to the tool bar and there's a tool that says "follow". click on that and your following me.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

today is my birth day! I turned nine years old today. my birth day is Mar. 22, 2003. also if your mom dresses like a teenager tell her just at a calm and quiet time your embarassing me. I'll tell you more tomorrow.
today is my birth day! I turned nine years old today. my birth day is Mar. 22, 2003. also if your mom dresses like a teenager just at a calm and quiet time. I'll tell you more tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

sorry I was so late today. my mom yelled at me to get the ipad instead of the computer. did anyone look at the hard quiz? good luck with it.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

the hard test

I have a little test for you.

1. how many times hotter is lightning than the sun?
2. what is the plural of zucchini?
3. is a tomato a fruit or vegtable?
4. what gets bigger when you take away from it?
5. how do you say soccer in spanish?

awnsers -

(5) (zucchini) (fruit) (a hole) (futbol)

tomato basil soup recipe

. 4 tomatos peeled and seeded
. 4 cups tomato juice
. 14 fresh basil leaves
. 1cup coconut milk
. 1/2 cup of cooking fat
.fresh rosemary (chopped)

for more great recipes go to ''

Monday, March 19, 2012

recipe for blueberry cucumber smoothie

I know this sounds gross but it is actually very tasty!
here's the recipe.

. 2 large cucumbers
. 1 cup coconut milk
. 1 cup frozen blue berries
. 1 table spoon lemon juice

put in a blender and mix!

a new day

school started today. it was the best ever. Time goes by fast in my world. today time went by a little slower so I had more time to work. If your searching for a good book try either the little house books or the royal diaries. I read one of the royal diaries about queen Elizabeth. I've heard there really cool. Try reading them. ;)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

went to Austin on saturday. we went swimming in a river and found that salamanders live there. it was freezing in the river. :)

welcome to the frog blog!

Hi, my name is Dylpikl. I have a love for frogs, reading, piano and imagination. We have a royal family. (we are living the life as a regular town people. we are not rich like other royal families.) our dog is crazy.( and kind of gross too.) He burps all day long. My family is crazy too.